The White House has issued guidelines to government officials at home and abroad detailing how to commemorate the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and suggesting that references to Al Qaeda be minimized, The New York Times reported Tuesday. ...
The guidelines detail what the White House deems as important themes that must be discussed as well as the tone the observances should take. “A chief goal of our communications is to present a positive, forward-looking narrative,” the foreign guidelines state. ... For the statements and ceremonies, the White House is encouraging a common theme: resilience.
-- Politico, August 30
The White House
Office of the Narrative
Washington, D.C.
To: All government officials, at home and abroad
From: Philippe E. Forager, Chief Narrative Officer
Date: August 30, 2011
Subject: September 11 anniversary observance
His Serene Majesty Obama has tasked me with formulating a positive, uplifting tone for all public observances of September 11. You will follow these guidelines to the letter.
1. It has been determined at the highest levels that the phrase "man-caused disasters" is unnecessarily inflammatory, as it might create an image of deliberate action which could reflect unfairly on the Religion of Peace. Therefore, all references to the events of September 11, 2001, shall use the term "Resilience Stimulus," and correspondingly, all ceremonies to mark the anniversary shall be designated "Resilience Festivals."
2. The site in lower Manhattan, once unbecomingly known as Ground Zero, shall be designated "America's Shovel-Ready Project."
3. Now that the U.S. has eliminated terrorism and brought democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq, all references to Al-Qaeda and such are irrelevant and shall be avoided.
4. If it is necessary to refer to lives lost as a side effect of the Resilience Stimulus, it is imperative that the diversity of the victims be the major theme. Do not neglect to point out that members of the Religion of Peace were prominent in that day's toll, as well as in the failed early phases of the Afghanistan and Iraq war under George W. Bush.
5. Remind audiences of the racism and inequality that were the root causes of the events of the Resilience Stimulus. Reassure them that His Serene Majesty will announce a new program on the evening of September 11 to remove racists and unequals to locations where they can do no further harm, an effort that will bring all Americans together.
6. All photographs and videos of people jumping from the World Trade Center, the towers collapsing, etc. are prohibited. Such images are apt to raise emotions detrimental to diversity.
7. Any questions concerning the guidelines should be directed to my office, where a selected staff of diverse advisers will be available around the clock in the 48 hours preceding and during September 11.