Sunday, October 10, 2010

As middle American as gang bangers

South Central Los Angeles? No, Tennessee.

It's like a chemistry experiment to demonstrate how you make explosives. The teacher is the Liberal Establishment, determined to make the United States "diverse" if it kills us, which it just might if you wander mistakenly into an especially vibrant part of town. Take one beaker of Mexican Invasion; mix with a dysfunctional black underclass; shake with rap. Bang.

Maybe you've consoled yourself with the thought that the turf wars, with their graffiti, robberies, and homicides are just southern California local color. You are too wrong. Your government's campaign for population replacement is bringing aliens to your city, or maybe even town.

Nashville: Grand Old Opry, country music capital, pillared mansions, even a replica of the Parthenon. And gang bangers galore. 

The Nashville Tennessean does the usual mainstream media shuffle. Gangs, what a shame, remember the good old days when if was safe to etc. It writes as if the issue is a vandalism problem. But the paper deserves a pinch of credit for at least acknowledging that it is mostly Mexicans and blacks that have turned parts of the city into an all too typical war zone.
Within and along streets around the park, the graffiti mostly consists of the characters "7OP" and variations of the number 13. Howey said he believes the group is affiliated with Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a Hispanic group that is an organized gang affiliated with known crimes such as homicide, aggravated assault, drugs, weapons violations and vandalism. Howey said the 7OP group appears to consist of people who have splintered off to form their own territorial faction of MS-13.
The piece also notes: "Nearly 800,000 gang members and 27,000 gangs operate across the 50 states, a Justice Department survey shows. Some estimates have the figure at 2 million gang members. Police have identified 5,000 gang members in Davidson County."

Nashville homeboys. The joke's on you, Nashville.

What is this death wish that our rulers in New York and Washington have for the United States of America? Obviously, they believe white Americans are so bad that anything is better. Even the dregs of Third World, narco-gang ruled Mexico.

If any relief is to be had, it will come from places like Nashville, not from New York or (above all) ultra-leftist, America-hating Washington. As Washington's grip on the states breaks up, they will take back their cities and towns.

Perhaps they will send these folks to Washington, as Washington has sent them to "middle Tennessee" and the heart of America. It would be poetic justice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is this death wish that our rulers in New York and Washington have for the United States of America? Obviously, they believe white Americans are so bad that anything is better. Even the dregs of Third World, narco-gang ruled Mexico.

Same thing in Europe and the UK but in in spades. Importing millions of Koran addled Muslims into the unprotected bosom of Europe, was one way that the Leftists could take revenge for Reagan, Thatcher and the Vatican dismantling their USSR utopia.