Sunday, April 03, 2011

Civilized people share no "common humanity" with this mob


So, let's look at the scoreboard. One Koran burning vs. two UN staff (presumably in Afghanistan on a "peacekeeping" or humanitarian mission) beheaded; possibly six others killed; followed a day later by gunmen attacking a U.S. military installation.

Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to play "You Bet Your Life," followed by an episode of "Moral Equivalence." Imam Obama speaks:
The desecration of any holy text, including the Koran, is an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry. However, to attack and kill innocent people in response is outrageous, and an affront to human decency and dignity. No religion tolerates the slaughter and beheading of innocent people, and there is no justification for such a dishonorable and deplorable act.

Now is a time to draw upon the common humanity that we share, and that was so exemplified by the U.N. workers who lost their lives trying to help the people of Afghanistan.
Leaving aside the redundancy of "common" and "share" -- uh-oh, I guess I didn't leave it aside -- in one statement, Obama encapsulates the absurdity of America's and the West's intervention-is-forever stance toward militant Islam. Ten years stuck on the Afghan flypaper, and we're still trying to build a nation from tribes with not much in common except hatred of the Great Satan, i.e., the United States. 

Afghanistan has created a commonality -- not between us and the Afghans, but between Obama and the neo-cons. They are agreed: whatever the cost in lives, military resources, and our overdrawn international goodwill account, it's worth it because some century soon, we will bring the blessings of democracy to the Muslim world. Meanwhile, we have to put up with little misunderstandings like Friday's slaughter-the-Infidel party.

If we in fact have have a common humanity with these savages, it's time to tender our resignation from the human race.



Stogie said...

Very well said! Bravo!!! (Applause)!

Anonymous said...

"No religion tolerates the slaughter and beheading of innocent people, and there is no justification for such a dishonorable and deplorable act."

Islam both tolerates the slaughter and beheading of innocent people and justifies it with its "holy" text. This is Obama's method of running interference for his Muslim brothers.