Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Misery watch

Carrie Weems-Distill, U.K. Human Services Minister,
poses outside California State Capitol 

California got lethal injection drug from Britain

So Britain decided to put California out of its misery? Perhaps a mercy killing.

In other California news, a pornographic film actor has "spoken out" as a celebrity endorser of condoms. In fact, he's so keen that he wants a law making condoms mandatory in porn productions. "Performers need to be educated," he says.

State Rep. Carlos Maquiladora (D–Hollywood) has responded by introducing a bill to require condom usage in off-color films. It would establish a Condom Review Board, reporting to the State Secretary of Foreign Relations, with 5,000 inspectors and a support staff of 30,000. It would also impose a condom tax of 25%, which would be waived for children of illegal immigrant porn stars.

"We must support California's pornography industry," Rep. Maquiladora said in a news conference at a San Fernando Valley motel. "And one key to that is to protect our performers from the HIV virus, which can raise insurance costs on film companies drastically, encouraging them to outsource their production to low-wage countries in Asia. Loss of this valuable industry would be a severe blow to tax revenues."


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