Two-horned chameleon, Chamaeleo (Trioceros) montium
From the Arizona Republic:
Sen. John McCain has hardened his position on immigration reform, hoping the new stand will make his presidential campaign more appealing to conservative Republican voters.
The comprehensive approach he championed for years, one that emphasized a guest-worker program and legalization for those here illegally, has taken a back seat to a plan that puts a priority on tightening border security and beefing up enforcement.
Dead man walking.
That trick might have worked if he had tried it 20 years ago. Oh, that's right, it did. Which is one of the main reasons it didn't work this time. Perhaps he should try again in another 20 years.
My baloney has a first name, it's J-o-h-n. My baloney has a second name, it's M-c-C-a-i-n...
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