I read today that the Obama administration's hollow kingship -- at a time when millions of citizens are out of work, the national debt has reached Everest-like proportions, militant Islam openly boasts of its threats to the safety of Americans, and we are engaged in a fool's errand costing American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan -- is turning its attention to ... wait for it ... the college football bowl system.
President Obama has made it abundantly clear that he does not like the current system for naming a national championship team in college football.Now his administration may take action on behalf of him and the countless other sports fans who oppose college football’s Bowl Championship Series (BCS), the controversial system by which a national champion is crowned every January. ...
In his four-page letter, an exhaustive explanation and dissection of the complex BCS system, [Assistant Attorney General] Weich said that the department is exploring several options to address the concerns of those opposed to the current system, including asking the Federal Trade Commission to examine its legality under consumer protection laws and having a governmental or non-governmental body or commission study the possibility of a playoff system.
Just to be non-partisan, I note that a Republican senator, Orrin Hatch, requested the investigation.
I don't know enough about the Bowl Championship Series to have an opinion about its fairness or the lack thereof. But even if its rules were written in blood by Satan, it is no business of the mannequin president or his Justice Department.
Fishermen in Madagascar or someplace put metal rings around the necks of cormorants. The birds catch the fish but because of the constriction can't swallow them, and the fishermen collect the catch. It's long past time to put a ring around the neck of the federal government so that it can't go on swallowing one more area of life after another.