Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The unquiet graves

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

— Lt. Col. John McCrae (1872–1918)

The remains of the English dead who fell in the Great War still rest serene in Flanders fields. Not so fortunate are some of their countrymen in the land that was once their home.


This is the former burial yard of St. John the Evangelist and Apostle Church in Manchester, England. The earth moving machine is digging up and destroying old grave markers surrounding the Victorian Gothic house of worship. (Tip of the hat: Philip M. at View from the Right.)


The former church is now a mosque. No infidel tombstones will be permitted to mar the property. They are not being moved, just crushed into rubble.

John McCrae, who died while serving King and Country, ended his poem:

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.



Martin B said...

I can think of no word for this as appropriate as 'disgusting', unless it would be 'infuriating'.

Muslims approriate a christian church, built by english christian men, turn it into one of their filthy mosques, and plow under the grave markers of englishmen now dead - englishmen who built that country, only to have it sold into dhimmiism by traitorous fools like Boris Johnson. It should have been demolished rather than delivered to the Saracen.

Leos Tomicek said...

And if this wasn't enough, wait till they turn the bell tower into a minaret and start making noise 5 times a day, starting from early morning.

zazie said...

"we are the dead" (Winston Smith, 1984) ; tyrants will be tyrants, won't they? A. Burgess has depicted the muslim dictatorship in 1984-1985 ; it takes place in London, starting with the Big Ben muezzin calling the Londoners to their prayer....
To answer one of your previous posts, France is still one step behind England in the dhimmisation(?) process ; one step is not very far behind! Have you read (or heard about) "la Mosquée de Notre-Dame de Paris" ? The book ends up in the decision of the resistants to blow up the cathedral -with themselves inside- rather than have it defiled by the invaders who have taken control of France. I support the idea.

zazie said...

In France, we don't turn churches into mosques yet, we only demolish them or turn them into "social centres", whatever that may mean!
and, of course, we give a lot of money and land for them to build some "grandes (?) mosquées"....

David Foster said...

Rick...could you e-mail me? Not sure I have your current email address.

thx /DaveF

MaryJ said...
